Sentelic (升达科技)

Sentelic 升达科技系由ISO认证,成立于民国89年6月之IC设计公司,核心创办团队成员来自硅谷,并具有美国新创公司IPO成功经验。RD成员中对于模拟及数字讯号IC设计的总研发经验超过120年。  
Sentelic 升达科技的经营团队则网罗国内外混合讯号(Mixed-Signal)、特殊用途集成电路 (ASIC)、软韧体设计(Firmware/Software)及多媒体处理(Multi-media Processing)…等各类专家、专业管理及执行者齐聚而成。  
台积电创投VentureTech Alliance Fund II, L.P.于民国93年入主Sentelic 升达科技成为最大法人股东。
Sentelic 升达科技主要从事风扇马达驱动控制IC之研发、设计与销售及代理通用微控制器(Micro Control Unit;MCU)IC之销售,主要产品为风扇马达驱动控制IC (Fan Control IC)及MCU IC代理业务,积极布局智能财产(IP)研发为基石,目前拥有多项马达驱动IC之专利,陆续开发具有成本优势、高性能与低耗能之系统控制芯片,并应用于伺服器及电信设备等散热风扇及物联网相关产品。提供云端数据中心及5G基地台散热解决方案,实践以系统稳定性为主要考虑之风扇马达驱动控制IC。  
Sentelic 升达科技投入马达驱动IC设计相关应用市场多年,客户遍及台湾、中国大陆及日本马达电机厂,优化现有风扇马达驱动控制IC产品,持续扩大高阶产品市占率。  
除稳固已量产之12V风扇控制IC外,Sentelic 升达科技更致力于研发三相直流无刷风扇控制IC(3- Phase BLDC Fan Control IC) 及可程序化MCU风扇马达驱动控制IC,应用于服务器主机、电信交换机、电竞显示适配器及挖矿机之散热风扇等。Sentelic 升达科技产品客制化程度相当高,但凭借优异的研发技术与良好的客情关系,掌握未来客户终端产品发展趋势,不断满足客户之需求,除深化与客户的合作关系外,更可有效确保未来市场发展性与成长动力,并持续进行现有产品技术整合,提供具竞争力的产品方案,以加速扩展业务版图。升达相信「惟有客户成功,才有成功的升达」;因此,对客户所提供的方案均保持「高可靠度」及「易整合性」,期望客户委托的产品能以最具竞争力的成本、最快的速度及最具特色的优势,掳获消费者的青睐,在最短的时间内成为产品市场的中流砥柱。
为更提升业务发展及健全组织功能,Sentelic 升达科技于民国106年10月与上市公司日电贸(3090)之转投资公司巨驰国际(股)公司进行合并,并以本公司为存续公司。巨驰国际(股)公司并购前所营业务主要为电子零组件之进出口贸易,将以其对电子产业的了解及市场信息的提供,使Sentelic 升达科技研发产品更贴近市场需求,对于市场推广将有极大帮助,Sentelic 升达科技于107年11月02日核准公开发行,并于109年11月20日以半导体类股于柜台买卖中心上柜挂牌。
Sentelic is a privately-held, ISO-certified IC design house founded in June of 2000.  Started by Silicon Valley veterans with a wide variety of technical backgrounds and experiences in areas of operation, sales and marketing, our team has 120 years of experience. We specialize in mixed-signal, ASIC, firmware/software and multi-media processing. In 2004, VentureTech Alliance Fund II, L.P. (TSMC Ltd.'s venture capital) became the largest corporate shareholder of Sentelic.
Sentelic focus on design and sale fan motor drive control IC, also an authorized agent for general MCU IC. Our company owns motor driver IC patents and develops cost-advantage, high-performance and low-power consumption systems, which can be widely applied to servers, communication equipment, cloud data centers and 5G base stations.
Sentelic has been involved in motor drive IC design application markets for many years. Our clients include electric motor companies in Taiwan, China and Japan. Sentelic engages in optimization of MPU motor drives to increase its market share for high-end products. Aside from enhancing the stability of mass produced 12V fan control IC, Sentelic is dedicated to the development of 3-Phase BLDC fan control IC and programmable MCU fan control IC. The cooling fans are applied to servers, telecommunication switching equipment, gaming graphics cards and mining hardware.
Our superior R&D technology and close relationship with our clients enables us to provide highly customized products and offer future development trends to clients. Not only do we value the development of our partnerships with our clients, but we also ensure that all future developments will continue to be strengthened and encouraged. In Sentelic, we dedicate ourselves to ensure our clients are successful. We offer high reliability and easy integration products to ensure our clients stay competitive in market.
In October 2017, Sentelic merged with E-COM Technology Corp., a company invested by Nichidenbo Corporation (3090), to enhance business development in the electronics industry. E-COM Technology Corp. specialized in the import and export of electronic components, which expand the market share of Sentelic products. In November 2020 became a TPEx Listed company of Semiconductor stock in Taiwan.












